Witchery Mod For Minecraft 1.8.8/1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4

Since when that your life in the world of Minecraft become worse and worse in term of your own feeling to the game. Please, admit it that most of you are getting bored of it right now. You are going to repeat everything over and over again. So, what is the thing that will help you go through this situation? Of course, it’s all about the new content that usually come up with mod. Therefore, I would like to suggest you guys to check and try this awesome mod out and it’s called Witchery Mod.

Witchery Mod is a pretty cool mod that will allow the players to explore the magical art of witchcraft and start learning and controlling the natural magic present in the existing world. With this mod installed, there will be several branches of witchcraft provided which actually doesn’t really resemble the flashy spell-casting performed by wizards in their Minecraft account. That means, there is nothing to do with the wands, spell books, enchanted armor or those magical upgraded sword. Instead of that, it’s going to involve with well-tended witch’s garden providing a lot of helpful materials for the magic that you want to use it. So, here is the summary of the new things added by this mod which include of Witches Garden, Brewing with a Kettle, Poppets and Voodoo Dools, Dream Weaving and Spirit World dimension, Circle Magic and Rituals, Necromancy and Demonology, Dimensional Infusions, Mutation, Familiars, Covens, Become a werewolf or vampire, New mobs, plants, and plant mobs.

As you can see that this Witchery Mod does not only focus on witchy thingy, but it also helps to provide such interesting content for us to enjoy the whole day in the world of Minecraft. We will have plenty of thing to do and there is no need to feel bored anymore.

  • Lots of stuff added, for example, Witches Garden, Brewing with a Kettle, Circle Magic and Rituals and many more as I have already mentioned above.
  • With this awesome mod installed, we are going to have a new content to play with our beloved game without getting bored for a long while
  • Those new system that provides several branches of witchcraft is really interesting
  • This mod still needs Minecraft Forge to work properly
  • Sometimes, adding nature magic to the world of Minecraft might ruin the aspect of the game as it’s not really realistic at all comparing to the real world
  • Minecraft Forge is heavily recommended, so download and install it first before doing anything with the mod
  • Download Witchery Mod from the link download provided below
  • Once you click in the download link, there will be so many versions available for you, just select only one that match best with your Minecrafts game version
  • Head to your Minecraft directory which should be %appdata%/.minecraft
  • Look for mods folder, if you don’t have this folder, just create one and name it ‘mods’
  • Copy and paste the whole .zip or .rar file that you just downloaded into the mods folder
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