The Dark Side to Diet Pills; What They Dont Want You to Know

Everyone one of us at some point in our lives has struggled with weight. For some it may be difficult to achieve their ideal weight with just proper dieting and exercising, so they turn to diet pills. It is difficult to escape the norms of society of “looking good” especially when we turn on the T.V and see a superstar, we learn how much the idea of “thin is in” really is glorified. However, it is possible to be healthy, and lean without being thin and in poor physical condition. As someone who has come from an obese family, I am very familiar with the advertisements and health risks of many of these pills. The first important thing to keep in mind is that not everyone needs medicine to lose weight. The use of prescription drugs should only be used for those individuals that fit into a category for having a medical condition, and who need a weight loss aid as a supplement in which a certified physician prescribes to them. These are the people who either have a BMI (body mass index) of 30 and above with no obese conditions or a person with a BMI of 27 and above that is obese.

On the contrary, what these unprescribed diet pills are really doing to you is aiding the body in unhealthy and unnatural fixes, which is why most people who are on them complain of heart palpitations. Although there are hundreds of types of diet pills, the most commonly used are over the counter ones that promise to “suppress your appetite” such as Ephedra. Essentially, what these type of pills are doing is giving you a placebo effect, which is tricking your body into believing it is not hungry or you are full. The pills work by decreasing your appetite, but also lowering such hormones as serotonin, which is a vital brain chemical that contributes to mood and depression. But what they don’t tell you, which would be the reason why this drug is now banned is that the side effects range from everything to heart rate irregularities, sleeplessness, seizures, and even strokes leading to death. It is very easy for vendors to make health claims about a pill, which is usually based on their own review of what the pill can accomplish. However, most of these pills are not even approved by the FDA until someone is faced with a serious risk and it is pulled out of the market.

There are no quick fixes, or no magic pill that will do all the work for you, and keep you healthy at the same time. Even the recently new weight loss pill to hit the shelves called “Alli” tells you that you have to follow a diet while taking the diet pill, and large amounts of weight loss are not guaranteed. The only upside to this is that it has been approved by the FDA as safe and effective, even though it still causes side effects.

Overall, when choosing a weight loss supplement, always go for a brand that has been proven to be effective. You should also consider a product that is made from natural ingredients so you can ensure that it is healthy and safe. For more information, you can check some leptoconnect reviews online.

The most effective way to lose weight is to due it properly with the right diet, and consistent exercise. However, if you must get that “diet pill fix” use your own scrutiny and judgement in deciding what is safe and healthy, with plenty of research to back up your decision.

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