Search Engine Optimization- Unearthing The Truth On a Global Phenomenon

We are living in the age of modern day technology where everything is available at the click of fingers and in the literal sense too ever since the social media boom of the late 2000s took the entire world by storm and today, internet has become an ordinary device for people to capitalize upon.

We have something to boast about in the coming decade because the experts are of the opinion that Artificial Intelligence will slowly takeover from human labor but some people fear that human beings will now become slaves of robots, which won’t be the case.

When you want to want to learn something about a brand new topic, you will visit Google and start searching all the info you need but how many people are aware of how this mechanism works? Today, we shall learn about an important topic related to software.


Most people conduct Google search for unearthing new information but you cannot simply type away any random thing on Google and press ‘enter’ so that the websites pop up because this isn’t black magic but a software system that operates through a cleverly devised mechanism.

Google as a company was formed in 1998 when it was limited to simply producing limited results along with the images of the topic written and today, it has grown to become a global phenomenon with millions of internet users spending almost half their time on this platform.

The process of sending and receiving the innumerable data to any official website is termed as web traffic whereas Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process through which you can improve the quality of web traffic on any particular website or page of your choice with the help of search engines.

It happens because the number of people surfing through internet in every second numbers in billions where the SEO functions to keep the unruly traffic at bay so that there is no hindrance in the speed of uploading the data.

You cannot stop the users from internet surfing due to which its speed slows down and therefore Google came up with a clever marketing strategy where SEO can keep an eye on the search engine through a complicated algorithm devised for regulating the speed.

Reliable Content

Given the swiftness at which SEO works, many people are apprehensive about this mechanism where many view it as a scam and cannot be trusted with sensitive and private information of the data user. is an excellent website where a web developer with nearly a decade of experience has come across people who have these doubts and he considers it his job to clear them as he truly believes that SEO is nothing as it is being portrayed by people with vested interests.

It is a reliable content that anyone that is even remotely interested in software should know about but as of now it is suffice to say that there it is anything but a scam and an ocean of knowledge where even a few drops would be enough to gain relevant key points.

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