Making Facebook Work for Your Business

Many smart business people today are taking advantage of Facebook to build social proof, connect with existing visitors and bring in more new traffic to their websites.

Instead of just setting up a page and waiting for people to come and “Like” or join, it pays to be proactive. Here are a few smart ways of making Facebook work proactively for your business.

Did you know that keyword optimization is actually incredibly important?

For example, if your group was named “Photography,” you’d probably get a lot more members than if you named your group “Still Film Students.”

Why? Because your group would show up near the top whenever someone typed in “Photography.”

Choose your keywords wisely – Facebook’s groups & pages search can generate a lot of traffic.

If you’ve been in the internet marketing space for some time, you’re probably familiar with the one-time pop-over for collecting email opt-ins.

Here’s how the pop-up (also known as a hover over) works: The first time someone visits your site, the pop-up shows up on their screen. Whether or not they take action, the pop-up will never show up again.

Most people use it to collect emails. However, if you’re getting a page launched, you can use this kind of hover-over pop-up to show your Facebook widget instead.

This gives you the chance to get your Facebook page in front of every person who visits your website. You can very quickly get a lot of Facebook “Likes” and followers this way.

Don’t forget that there’s a lot of power in your own Facebook network as well.

If you have a particularly good piece of content, don’t just post it to your Facebook page’s wall. Post it on your own as well.

If you have friends who are similar to you and are in your target market, chances are they’ll find it interesting. They might like it or share it, resulting in more of their network seeing the content, which leads to more views on your page.

Most people have their page settings set so that they “sometimes” see your status updates on their feeds.

That means that the more often you update, the more likely it is that something you posted will show up on your followers’ feeds.

Don’t post more than once a day; but try to post at least once every two or three days. If you can post good content once a day, so much the better – but don’t post shoddy content just to fill space. is an interesting website that would tell you all you need to know about utilizing your Facebook account to the fullest extent so that it turns into a lucrative business venture that would be used for various purposes without compromising on the credentials of social media ecosystem as a whole.

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