How much time does it take to manage my social media?

We like to pose a simple, but effective question… “How much time does it take to manage my social media?” Answering that question is going to need more clarity or better yet, let’s define “my social media”.

“My social media” includes social networking platforms and online channels where snippets of information can be shared with individuals, businesses, business owners, marketing teams, targeted groups and like minded communities.

“My social media” includes the top three social media channels based on number of users. Maybe it’s the top ten targeted social media applications based on demographics or defining your target audience. Maybe it’s our favorite social media platforms based on your own personal experiences. Either way, it has to be more than one channel, especially if we are going to grab people’s attention online and share our messages, our personality and our brands. In order to get the effective results, buy facebook page likes cheap that does not reduces the quality of the likes. The attention of the people is more with the likes and comments on the page. The experience of the business people is great at online social media platform. The spending of the efforts and times is adequate one to have the best results. 

We must consider whether or not we are a custom content type of person or business or do we just want to share the latest news, or the greatest gadgets or industry specific information. We have to define the goal of what it is we are posting or sharing, why we’re posting or sharing it and what do we expect to gain from posting or sharing it. Are our actions going to increase our likes, followers or social sharing engagement.

Now let’s look at the time involved to manage your social media channels. Let’s estimate we are a custom content type and we create main ideas or topics that are relevant to our respective industry, our businesses and our brands. Brainstorming, writing, editing, photo or video selection and maybe even using our own photographs or videos.

Let’s say it’s a blog you’ve created and your going to brainstorm about an idea for an article, then your going to write it and read it over and over and continue to emphasis a main idea or drive home the point your trying to make, then you’ll edit it along the way and continue to write until your happy with the article. Now find that perfect photo or video to include as part of your blog message. I’m going to say roughly 2 hours for custom content that you’ve developed and the best part is.. you’re going to use it across your social media channels

Now it’s time to share with the world. So you add a short message to Facebook and post a link back to your blog, so anyone interested can find the article or once read they can share it across their social media platforms. Let’s estimate 30 minutes per social media channel and take into consideration you actually care about the quality of the messaging your creating… Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Vine, Pinterest, SnapChat, WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram, Reddit, Tumblr, Google+, Four Square.

Let’s also estimate 7 platforms as the average internet user has 7.6 social media profiles. 7 social media profiles, platforms or channels, accounting for 30 minutes per profile and that’s 3.5 hours, plus the 2 hours for your blog posting and it’s roughly 5.5 hours to develop a blog post and then share it with micro messaging across 7 social media profiles. Now.. if you want to be really active, let’s estimate your posting and sharing 3 times per week and you end with 16.5 hours managing your social media content and sharing across your social media profiles.

As of 2017, 81% of the population in the United States have a social media profile. The global social media community spends 135 minutes per day on average as of 2017. As of April 2018, the world wide population is 7.6 Billion with 4.2 Billion using the internet and 3 Billion of those internet users are engaged in social media. 91% of retail brands use at least 2 social media channels with 81% of small to medium sized businesses using some type of a social media platform.

We share all of this to say.. TIME is being spent managing social media channels and whether it’s 10 hours per week or 30 hours per week, business owners need the creative direction, strategy, planning, copywriting, editing and management of their digital marketing tools. WHY? It’s simple, not every business owner is a creative type and they may only specialize in their respective field of business and need to be focused on operating that business effectively and turning a profit, so it makes sense to outsource a portion of their digital marketing to agencies or firms focused on their customers and their customers brand communications.

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